Leather Conditioning Cream

Dry, well-loved natural leather is more susceptible to chemical and weather damage, breaking fibers, abrasion, and stiffness over time. REVIVE leather conditioning cream is thoughtfully formulated using high-quality natural ingredients to gently cleanse and moisturize your favorite leather goods - so you can keep your BED|STÜ’s looking and feeling their best, all year long. 

Leather Conditioning Cream


Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, Beeswax, and other natural cosmetic ingredients.

Leather Conditioning Cream: How-To


1. Use a soft cloth to gently remove any foreign organic material (such as dirt or mud) from leather before applying product. 

2. Test product on an inconspicuous (non-visible) area before full application. Please be advised that it is normal for leather to appear slightly darker after application, especially if the leather is very dry or worn.

3. Using a soft cloth or sponge, gently apply a small amount of conditioner using light, circular motions until evenly dispersed across the entire desired surface of the leather. There should not be any visible residue after the first application, though the leather may appear darker as a result of hydration. Let stand for a few minutes.

4. If leather still appears and/or feels very dry, repeat application process as needed, applying conditioner evenly and sparingly each time. Upon completing final application, there should be very little residue and leather should appear visibly hydrated and feel softer. 

5. After at least 1 hour, wipe off any excess conditioner (there should be very little, if any) and buff using a clean microfiber cloth or horsehair brush.

Note: For best results, let stand for at least 24 hours before use or application of REVIVE leather wax & sealant. 


Leather Wax & Sealant

For any quality leather product, appropriate hydration is key - and locking it in is essential. REVIVE leather wax & sealant is specially formulated using high-quality natural ingredients to add a light protective layer and rejuvenating shine to your beloved BED|STÜ leather products. For best results, use this product following full application (including waiting period) of REVIVE leather conditioning cream.

Leather Wax & Sealant


Beeswax, Shea Butter, Vitamin E, and other natural cosmetic ingredients.

Leather Wax & Sealant: How-To


1. Test product on an inconspicuous (non-visible) area before full application.

2. Using a soft microfiber cloth, apply a thin layer of wax sealant to conditioned leather, using care to work the wax into the leather using firm, circular motions to ensure proper penetration. If the wax is very cold and firm, warming the wax until it is slightly softer, but still firm (not melted) may help with application.

3. Repeat application process as needed, applying wax sealant evenly and sparingly each time until leather feels slightly tacky, but not slippery to the touch. Let stand for at least one hour, or until dry.

4. For optimal shine, buff using a clean microfiber cloth or horsehair brush.

Notes and Disclaimers: This product has undergone extensive testing on BED|STÜ products; however, due to the nature of the organic materials used to create our products, you may experience some slight lifting of finishes and/or colors during the application process. We recommend using care to apply all REVIVE products to BED|STÜ products as directed, especially on excessively worn leather products with layered finishes (such as Lux).

We do not advise using other industry leather care products (which may contain harsh chemical solvents) on BED|STÜ products. REVIVE products are safe for use on any leather product.